Scurt Istoric

We are leading discovery and innovation since 1969

The high school 'PETRU CERCEL' is located in urban areas , in Targoviste . High School 'PETRU CERCEL' has its beginnings in 1969 . Over time it has undergone a real metamorphosis changing their profile depending on the demand and supply of education. In the early years of the school was teaching . Since 1976 becomes secondary medical school . Since junior high school in 1992 worked only as theoretical high profile real ( math - informatics, natural sciences ) and humanities ( literature, bilingual English).

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Arts, business, health, science and more, begin your journey with a program educavo.

Arts, business, health, science and more, begin your journey with a program educavo.

Arts, business, health, science and more, begin your journey with a program educavo.

Siguranta in Liceu

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